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Welcome to Light Craft by SEED

Light Craft Home Page Coming Soon

Welcome to the home page of Light Craft by SEED. The site where you can find all the newest designs by the stage design company Sacred Element that are now available to own. We are working diligently to make these designs available on this site and other places on the internet. Check back with us soon for purchase options.

Lets be Friends

Connect with us on Facebook to stay up to date with what we’re doing and when our art will become available.

On Facebook we go by our full name of Light Craft by SEED.

Visit us on Instagram

Check out what we have been up to this summer!

We’ve been having a blast selling our art in person and getting ready to make these designs available through the internet.

Get in touch with us

You can reach us by email right now. Email us at.

To inquire about custom orders, for information about when we will launch our store, or any other info, reach out anytime!

Hello! And welcome to our website

Our names are Carlee and Maurice. We started Light Craft super recently in Asheville NC. We are very excited to bring you art inspired by Maurice’s years of creating stage art for music festivals. Now becoming something you can enjoy year round. Please check back with us as we build this website and make our designs available for purchase. More coming soon!